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Save €250 on the 'From 9-5 to Online Income' course 🥳  (Exclusive to the first 15 people.)

Turn your 9-5 skills into online income with a proven ABC framework.

You already have the skills to start earning online. Wondering how I'm so sure? Five years ago, I used my 9-5 skills to earn my first dollar online and build a profitable business. 


This is the exact system that will show you how.

Course launches May 1, 2024. The full price is €750, but the first 15 get to save €250.


2024 is your year to finally take the leap.

But first, answer this: How long has the idea of starting your own business been nagging you? A few weeks? Several months? Or has it been years? 

I've been there. And I know exactly what it's like to:

  • Have the feeling you're destined for sooo much more than squandering your life on pointless 9-5 tasks you couldn't care less about,

  • Sit in yet another mind-dumbing meeting, questioning what you're doing with your life, and dreaming about the day you'll be able to break free from it,

  • Feel that gut punch whenever you see another friend launching their business, chasing their dreams, feeling like life (and all your friends) are passing you by,

  • Witness people you know are less skilled than you building their businesses, yet here you are, stuck in place, and not knowing where to start.

Spoiler alert: This is the year you *finally* do it. 

Going from 9-5 to online income
is simpler & closer than you think.

Those things you do at your day job? The skills you gained working 9-5? They are your key to a profitable side hustle or online business. And you can take the first step today.

Course launches May 1, 2024. The full price is €750, but the first 15 get to save €250.


I used my 9-5 experience to build an online business. So can YOU.


Five years ago, I had no idea where to start.

I can still vividly recall the countless hours I spent poring over every 'easy online business idea' list I could find. Yet, my scary, larger-than-life perception of what starting a business entails made even the simplest ideas seem completely out of reach. A mountain of limiting beliefs held me paralyzed in fear. For years.


Feeling the same? I bet some of these beliefs are hitting a little too close to home:

"I have ZERO skills I can monetize online."

Despire years of experience in the corporate world, you feel like your 9-5 skills are a dead-end. The more experience you gain in traditional jobs, the more you feel boxed into this 9-5 world.

"Earning online is impossible for me."

No one in my family was an entrepreneur, all my friends worked 9-5 jobs. Earning online feels like a mystical dream possible for others, somewhere, far far away, but not for you.

"I have NO clue where to even begin."

When you finally muster up the courage to toy with a few simple business ideas, panic kicks in: Where do you start? How do you actually earn your first $ online? And taxes?! OMG, what to do with taxes?

Today, I know it wasn't a lack of skills, but a lack of a clear roadmap that held me back.

Case in point: I built my career in HR. The skills I picked up in my day job were my ticket out of the corporate world. Ever since starting my business, I've used the exact same skills in various ways to earn 6 figures online through digital products and services.


A powerful shift happened once I earned my first $5 online using my 9-5 corporate skills. I suddenly saw dozens of ways to make money from them — the same skills, different online offers.


My skills weren't the problem. I had the skills. (Obviously.)


Back then, I just didn't know how to transition them into the digital world. So, what I really needed was a straightforward, recipe-like process to guide me. And I'm sure this applies to you, too.


Good news: If you've been dreaming about earning online for ages, you'll love my upcoming course — The Leap: From 9-5 to Online Income! It will give you the exact ABC framework you need to go from 9-5 to online income in the simplest way possible. 


The Leap: From 9-5 to Online Income

A simple, tried-and-tested blueprint to turn your current skills into a steady stream of online income

Actionable strategies, handy tools, and real-life examples to guide and support you from start to finish

The confidence and know-how to start building your online side hustle or business and take control of your financial future

With this step-by-step course and game-changing surprise bonuses, you'll finally go from dreaming to actually building your online income stream.


The ABC Framework

Leveraging your 9-5 skills is the quickest route to earning online income.

You've got the skills, and I've got the system. My ABC Framework is a clear and proven roadmap that will guide you in creating your first online offer in just three simple steps.


Step #1


Figure out what you can sell by auditing your experience.

  • Review your work and life experiences.

  • Map out the problems you solved and the skills you gained. 

  • Identify your sellable skills.

Step #2


Brainstorm "sellable" ideas and find THE ONE with market research. 

  • Learn the two best ways to earn with your existing skills - digital products and productized services.

  • Ideate sellable solutions for your niche.

  • Rapidly research the market to find the winning way to monetize your skills.


Step #3


Map out and create your first digital product or service.

  • Explore the key features of 6-figure products and services.

  • Map out your winning product or service idea.

  • Create your first money-making online offer aka digital product or service.

This IS for you if:

  • you want to leverage your 9-5 skills to earn online, but you’re unsure where to start,

  • ​you tried monetizing your skills online before but have given up due to a lack of a clear, structured plan,

  • you’re ready to put in the work to leap into the online world, but you need a roadmap to guide you,

  • you want to balance your 9-5 job while building your way out through the power of online income.

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This ISN'T for you if:

  • you're hunting for a get-rich-quick scheme and expect overnight results,

  • you're not ready to roll up your sleeves, commit, and put in the work to follow the roadmap and reap the rewards,

  • you're yearning for a total career overhaul, a 180-degree pivot that doesn't leverage your existing skill set,

  • you're suddenly in a rush and refuse to wait until May 1 when the course drops.



Your 9-5 Job Already Gave You All You Need

When I found a way to monetize my skills online without being tied to my 9-5 paycheck, it was like a lightbulb moment — all of a sudden, I saw the online world was bursting with opportunities to earn based on the experiences I'd gained in corporate jobs. I want to open this world of opportunities for you too.

Course launches April 15, 2024. The full price is €750, but the first 15 people get to save €250.

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